Wednesday 18 April 2012

Managing market orders with trading system from Dapfor

A trading and finance company is dependent on the market orders. These market orders can be of two types. Generally if an organization produces finished or manufactured goods/services then incoming market orders and market orders for buying raw materials for the product manufacturing process. Based on the size of your company you might have a huge bulk of market orders being utilized every day. Therefore the trading software system that you use, should be able to help you in managing these market orders daily, and should also help you in generating market strategy based on the list of market orders.

Dapfor is one of the biggest names in trading software systems development. Started in the year 2007, Dapfor have fully utilized the experience of its developers in the trading field in order to produce the best and easy to use trading system. This software system is based on the reliable technology of .net grid which allows the data to be updated and viewed as and when required. This trading system developed by Dapfor keeps performance, robustness, data safety, easily usable interactive interface, and customizability in viewpoint. The code below shows you the feature of real time blotting for example.

grid.RowUpdated += delegate(object sender, GridRowUpdateEventArgs e)
    Feeder feeder = (Feeder) e.Row.DataObject;
    if (e.DataField != null && feeder != null)
        Color color = grid.Highlighting.Color;
        TimeSpan duration = grid.Highlighting.Interval;

        switch (e.DataField.Id)
            case Feeder.FieldLast:
            case Feeder.FieldLastQty:
                color = feeder.PrevLast < feeder.Last ? Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Green) : Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Red);

            case Feeder.FieldChange:
                double value = (double) e.Row[e.DataField.Id].Value;
                color = Color.FromArgb(128, value > 0 ? Color.DarkGreen : Color.DarkRed);

            case Feeder.FieldState:
                FeederState state = (FeederState) e.Row[e.DataField.Id].Value;
                color = (Equals(FeederState.Ok, state))
                            ? Color.FromArgb(128, Color.DarkGreen)
                            : Color.FromArgb(128, Equals(FeederState.Nok, state) ? Color.DarkRed : Color.DarkOrange);

            case Feeder.FieldBid:
            case Feeder.FieldBidQty:
            case Feeder.FieldAsk:
            case Feeder.FieldAskQty:
            case Feeder.FieldVolume:
            case Feeder.FieldHi:
            case Feeder.FieldLow:
                color = Color.FromArgb(128, Color.Orange);
                duration = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);

        e.Row[e.DataField.Id].Highlight(duration, color);

During the management of market orders in a real time trading system, real time blotting technology helps a lot in the process of updating data. As soon as a particular field is changed in the market orders form, you are kept updated. In fact based on the needs, you might be able to view all the market orders that are being sent and accepted from within the organization. Thread safety and data binding ensures that the updated market orders data remain safe, and is easily viewed by others without the need to change its format. The market orders is a crucial part of a real time trading system and thus should be given importance.

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